A follow-on monograph to 'Feminist Geopolitics: Material States' (2016, Routledge) that interrogates 'Earth Futures' comprised of viral and droned worlds, geoengineering and toxic exposures.Ģ. In addition, and working with Earth scientists and performance artists, she has researched the future of toxic landscapes in Japan in terms of their geomorphology, governance and place in the cultural imagination.ġ. This research was advanced through her project on “Engaging in Art/Science Collaboration: Communities, Visual Economies and the Spaces and Practices of Exhibition and Display”, which specifically addresses the role of a creative geo-visualisation in narrating and reimagining the relationships between people and land.
As PI on the 3-year, NSF/AHRC grant ‘Art/Science Collaboration on Bodies and Environments’ she researched aesthetic, technological, political, and cultural responses to environmental problematics (including toxic landscapes, loss of biodiversity, and climate change) in Europe, the US, Australia and Asia. She is the co-founder and editor of the new inter-disciplinary (American Association of Geography) journal GeoHumanities, which publishes analytic and practice-based research, as well as accounts of arts performances and outputs, and hosts online art exhibitions.
Dixon is an internationally recognised scholar in feminist geopolitics, and has been key to the emergence of ‘geohumanities’ as an inter-disciplinary field of research and practice.